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 Recherche en mathématiques : e-journaux gratuits

Research in mathematics : free e-journals


All Fields

Algebraic Geometry ; Algebraic Topology ; Analysis of PDEs ; Category Theory ; Classical Analysis ;

Combinatorics ; Complex Variables ; Differential Geometry ; Dynamical Systems & Differential Equations ; Functional Analysis ;

General Topology ; Geometric Topology ; Graph Theory ; Group Theory ; History and Overview ; K-Theory and Homology ;

Linear Algebra ; Logic ; Mathematical Physics ; Metric Geometry ; Number Theory ; Numerical Analysis ;

Operator Algebras ; Optimization and Control ; Probability Theory ; Quantum Algebra ;

Representation Theory ; Rings and Algebras ; Scientific Computation ; Spectral Theory ; Symplectic Geometry 


All Fields

Acta Mathematica Academiae Paedagogicae Nyíregyháziensis

the journal of Bessenyei György College, Nyíregyháza , (Hungary). The journal publishes refereed papers from any field in mathematics. Manuscripts dealing with topics from informatics are also considered. Submission of a manuscript implies that the work described has not been published elsewhere. The journal appears in 1 volume per annum in electronic form only (the former paperback edition was founded in 1977). Access is free. To print or copy unmodified files of the journal is allowed without any permission.


Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society


Documenta Mathematica is open to all mathematical fields and is refereed in the traditional manner.


Electronic Research Annoucement of the American Mathematical Society


The Journal of Inequalities in Pure and Applied Mathematics

(JIPAM) is a new peer-reviewed international journal in the theory of mathematical inequalities and their applications.


Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics

The intention of this purely electronic journal is to publish papers in Mathematics that are of the highest possible quality. Research papers and review articles are selected through a normal refereeing process, overseen by an editorial board.


Notices of the American Mthematical Society


Publications de l'Institut Mathématique

is a research journal published by Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Arts and Sciences since 1947. It is the oldest mathematical journal in Yugoslavia.


The series Séminaires & Congrès

publishes electronically proceedings of mathematical meetings (conferences, workshops, summer schools...), after acceptation by its editorial board. Most of the volume should consist of original articles, in a final form. Survey articles are accepted provided they are well written, but they should not make up more than one third of the volume.


The Southwest Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics

is an electronic journal devoted to the study of pure and applied mathematics and related topics.



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Algebraic Geometry





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Algebraic Topology 


Algebraic & Geometric Topology

is a fully refereed journal covering all of topology, understood broadly. AGT is published in free electronic format by Geometry and Topology Publications, with papers appearing a few days after acceptance. The paper version will begin with Volume 1, the date and time depending upon when Volume 1 is ready to go to press. All Geometry and Topology Publications are deposited in the arXiv.



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Analysis of PDEs


Memoirs on Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics

is an International journal for the publication of high-quality, peer-reviewed original papers with full proofs in ordinary and partial differential equations and thear applications. Periodically short communications are published containing main results of talks reported on Tbilisi Seminar of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations. It is issued three times a year as of 1994.



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Category Theory


Theory and Applications of Categories

is the all-electronic, refereed journal on Category Theory, categorical methods and their applications in the mathematical sciences.



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Classical Analysis






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The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics is a refereed all-electronic journal that publishes papers in all branches of discrete mathematics, including all kinds of combinatorics, graph theory, discrete algorithms, etc.


The Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire

has existed for fifteen years as a joint seminar in Combinatorics for the Universities of Bayreuth, Erlangen and Strasbourg, as well as the other Universities along the lotharingian boundaries. Regular meetings will continue in the same spirit, but it has been decided that the Seminar will now host a new international electronic journal carrying the same name. (http://www.EMIS.DE/journals/SLC/index.html)


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Complex Variables






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Differential Geometry






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Dynamical Systems & Differential Equations

Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations


The Electronic Journal of Differential Equations

(EJDE) is dedicated to the rapid dissemination of high quality research in mathematics. All topics related to differential equations and their applications (ODE's, PDE's, integral equations, functional differential equations, etc.) will be considered for publication.


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Functional Analysis







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General Topology







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Geometric Topology


Algebraic & Geometric Topology

is a fully refereed journal covering all of topology, understood broadly. AGT is published in free electronic format by Geometry and Topology Publications, with papers appearing a few days after acceptance. The paper version will begin with Volume 1, the date and time depending upon when Volume 1 is ready to go to press. All Geometry and Topology Publications are deposited in the arXiv.


Geometry & Topology is a fully refereed international journal dealing with all aspects of geometry and topology and their applications.



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Graph Theory 

The Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications

(JGAA) is a new electronic journal that is available on the World Wide Web. JGAA is supported by a distinguished advisory and editorial board, has high scientific standards, and takes advantage of current electronic document technology.



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Group Theory






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History and Overview







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K-Theory and Homology

  Homology, Homotopy and Applications




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Linear Algebra


The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra



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Mathematical Physics 


Published by the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute), Living Reviews in Relativity is a solely WWW-based, peer reviewed journal offering reviews of research in all areas of relativity. Articles are solicited from specialists in their fields and updated by their authors as new developments arise. The journal is offered as a free service to the scientific community.


Memoirs on Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics

is an International journal for the publication of high-quality, peer-reviewed original papers with full proofs in ordinary and partial differential equations and thear applications. Periodically short communications are published containing main results of talks reported on Tbilisi Seminar of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations. It is issued three times a year as of 1994.


Mathematical Physics Electronic Journal

The intention of the journal is to publish papers in Mathematical Physics and related areas that are of the highest possible quality. Research papers and review articles are selected through a normal refereeing process, overseen by an editorial board. The research subjects will be primarily on Mathematical Physics; but this should not be interpreted as a limitation, as the editors feel that essentially all subjects of Mathematics and Physics are in principle relevant to Mathematical Physics.


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Metric Geometry 


Geometry & Topology is a fully refereed international journal dealing with all aspects of geometry and topology and their applications.


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Number Theory


The Journal of Integer Sequences

is a freely available electronic journal devoted to papers dealing with integer sequences and related topics. Preference is given to papers that are connected with sequences that have appeared (or will appear) in the On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences. The preferred language is html. All papers are refereed.


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Numerical Analysis

Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis

(ETNA) is an electronic journal for the publication of significant new and important developments in numerical analysis and scientific computing. Papers of the highest quality that deal with the analysis of algorithms for the solution of continuous models and numerical linear algebra are appropriate for ETNA, as are papers of similar quality that discuss implementation and performance of such algorithms. New algorithms for current or new computer architectures are appropriate provided that they are numerically sound. However, the focus of the publication should be on the algorithm rather than on the architecture.



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Operator Algebras






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Optimization and Control







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Probability Theory

Electronic Journal of Probability

Electronic Communications in Probability



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Quantum Algebra






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Representation Theory







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Rings and Algebras







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Scientific Computation






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Spectral Theory







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Symplectic Geometry





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