You will find tables in which are put links toward documents found on the Web : homepages of faculty members or students, sites that deal with mathematics (journals, organisations...).
Let apart some exceptions, you will therefore not download or see things directly, and will have to find the cited document on the page of the link. This has been done to always get the latest versions of the documents, to learn a bit more about their author(s) and to easily repair the broken links. As for the exceptions, they are :
* either stuff that I downloaded some day in a now forgotten place (any indication so as to identify the author(s) is then greatly welcomed) ; in these cases, I have put the ??? symbol in the "author" column and a gif picture of the first page of the document ;
* or documents of which you are the author, but that you cannot put somewhere (in particular master thesis and so on...)
Now you may ask : "why do you list all the documents found on a same page, I can read you know...". In my view, there are many good reasons : firstly, if you are looking for something very precise it helps you find quickly if what you are looking for is referenced on this site or not ; second, it surely makes one curious to come to learn about things that one did not even imagine before; third, you can forget which one of your many bookmarks refers to the stuff you wanted to read late last night (well, late enough to forget), etc.
It will perhaps make some happy (me, for example ;-) to learn that (at least in french) the documents referenced here are generaly more understandable because either with a less evolved style or much more verbose than other books sometimes really "incomprehensible".
In the tables, a column titled "category" indicates the kind of the documents :
- BO = book
- LN = lecture notes
- UE = uncorrected exercices (including exams)
- CE = corrected exercices (including exams)
- MTH = master thesis or "large audience" article
How the documents are found
As it has been mentionned already, the documents are on personal pages or official sites. This means a great, great number of pages. The method employed is rather silly and necessarily incomplete : for each math dept member or site visited, each of its pages have been checked.
Thus there are two kind of limiting factors :
The policy of this site is that all of this will be done by the community of its users (see the recommendation for doing mails on the homepage).
Formats of the documents
Several formats are employed :
- the logo
indicates a postscript file (.ps or .ps.gz if compressed)
- the logo
indicates a portable file document (.pdf)
- the logo
indicates a device independent document (.dvi)
If you don't know anything about this don't run away : here are some explanations .